Remember to Always...

How Old Is Maddison???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Maddie's First Year Montage...

Maddie - 16 Months Old

Maddie - 16 Months Old

Maddie - 10 Months Old

Maddie - 10 Months Old

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Update from Jacob's Birthday Events...

Sorry for the delay in an update. This past week was just crazy!!! First off, I cannot believe my little Jacob is 5 Years Old! times flies. It seems like just yesterday I was giving birth to him and holding him in my arms. That moment is surely engraved in my heart. His birthday party at Chuck E Cheese was a blast! The look on his face while he was surrounded by all his friends was truly priceless. He was the "king" for the night, and he Loved every minute of it! It made me so happy to see him as happy as he was. We had a family birthday party for him this past Saturday. My children are so fortunate, as our we, to always have the continued support of such wonderful family. Papa & Nana, Grandma & Grandpa, Great-Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, & Cousins never miss a party! Sunday we went to Wilderness Resort. It has been a LONG winter here in Wisconsin, and it was a much needed little get-away for all of us. Our great friends, Steve & Lori, and their 3 boys, joined us on this venture. The kids had a blast...okay, so did the parents, but it is about the kids here! The pictures say it all. On the Maddie update...she has been doing very well. She is discovering so many new things and she continues to amaze us everyday. She has recently started some sweet potatoes, which, she enjoys, but is still getting used to. We will be moving on to another veggie soon. She is also trying so hard to get up on all fours! Tonight, of course, while I missed it, she was up for a brief period of time. Jeff was so nice to tape it for me. It isn't going to be long before she's up on them all the time, and then, we all know what follows! Yeah! She is also developing quite the personality. Her new, "personal" thing is her tongue. She never wants to put it IN her mouth!!! And when she gets out for it! :0) It is quite cute. Sleeping is still an issue, but in the whole scheme of things, I will take it. Maddie likes to be up every couple hours, 1 1/2 - 2 hours to be exact, every night, so Mommy & Daddy aren't getting much of any sleep. Once and awhile she's give us 3 hours, but that hasn't been the norm lately. None of my children have been sleepers...I really don't know where they get it from. Well, that's the update here at the Watson household. We continue to pray that we all stay healthy through the remainder of this LONG winter! And, as always, we continue to pray that Maddison's heart continues to heal. Please remember all those in need of God's healing hands, especially those going in for surgeries in the coming weeks. There will be more pictures (and a duplicate posting) on our blog spot if you are interested. You can copy & paste it... Wishing everyone health & happiness!! Much Love, Nicole "Live. Laugh. Love."


The Nanny said...

Your kids are so beautiful! I'm thrilled and excited your sweet girl is doing so well!

mina said...

I love your blog! So many adorable pics of the kids. Looks like Jacob's birthday party was a real success. And Maddie sure is growing up, she's beautiful. Enjoy each day with your lovely family, and praying for happy and healthy.

Unknown said...

Wow..Maddie is getting SO big! Looks like Jacobb's birthday party was a blast. So nice of your family to come and share in the special day.

Hope you don't mind I switched Maddie's link to this blog.

Take Care!