Remember to Always...

How Old Is Maddison???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Maddie's First Year Montage...

Maddie - 16 Months Old

Maddie - 16 Months Old

Maddie - 10 Months Old

Maddie - 10 Months Old

Friday, February 22, 2008

Jacob's Friend Birthday Party!!

Chuck E Cheese was a hit!  Great job picking such a fun spot, Jacob!!  The kids had a great time and surely did their job in wearing me out!  The excitement on all of their faces, especially my Jacob's, made every minute of it so worth it!  

Jacob was the little star last night, and that smile of his lights up the room!  Check out the photos and see for yourself.  He couldn't say enough of the fun he had with all of his "best friends".  He is so cute, and everyone is truly his "best friend".  

Thanks for sharing in his fun, and enjoy the photos!


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