Remember to Always...

How Old Is Maddison???

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Maddie's First Year Montage...

Maddie - 16 Months Old

Maddie - 16 Months Old

Maddie - 10 Months Old

Maddie - 10 Months Old

Monday, July 28, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...

It is crazy to think that Maddie is "officially" over a year old!  I don't think it has sank in yet how fast time has flown by.  The other day while I was at the mall, I was in the elevator and I heard someone behind me say how precious the little baby was.  Of course, I thought they were referring to Maddie, so I turned around to thank them only to recognize another precious little baby sleeping in an adjacent stroller.  That 'baby' was only 3 weeks old.  It was then I realized that to most people, Maddie isn't a "baby" anymore...It made me very sad! 

The past few weeks have been CRAZY BUSY!  It seems like summer just began and it is over half over!  We have been doing so much and enjoying the time, weather, and activities.  Devin & Jacob are rounding up the baseball season.  Tomorrow night is Devin's last game, and last Friday was Jacob's last one.  They did so well and Jeff & I are so very proud of them.  

We enjoyed going to Festa Italiana this year as a family.  It is pretty much a tradition for our family (we are Italian) and we skipped last year as Maddie was quite small.  Maddie is so observant and loved watching everything going on around her.  She loves listening to music and, to my surprise, liked the fireworks!  

Enjoying the Music w/ Mommy & Nana

 Dancing with Daddy at Festa!

We also enjoyed a Milwaukee Zoo trip with our friends and their sister's family.  We had lots of kids and they had a lot of fun!  It is great to see all the kids enjoying each other so much!

Best Brothers!

The whole Gang of Kids!  Count them...

Let's see what else...we've enjoyed celebrating a birthday for the kids cousin, a graduation for my cousin, spending time with family in from out of town, a family reunion, some dinners with friends, bonfires, and just hanging out.  We've been going and going for sure!  

Thankfully, and thanking God each and every day, Maddie is doing very well.  She is developing quite the little personality and I love EACH moment of it!  She's really starting to wave bye-bye now, says "DADA" all the time (I think maybe she thinks I am DADA???), BABA, NANA, VAVA, and is experimenting with lots of other new sounds.  She isn't walking yet, but will in her time!  She enjoys walking around on the furniture and getting into everything.  Above all that smile of hers just continues to melt the hearts of all those she comes in contact with, especially Mommy's, Daddy's, and her big brothers.  I KNOW how very lucky we are!  

Maddie rolling around in the grass...

There are a few events coming up.  We are looking forward to the Herma Heart Center Picnic in August.  We hope to meet many of the heart families that we follow but have never had the opportunity to meet in person.  The Brigg's Al Run & Walk which benefits Children's Hospital is also coming up...September 20th!  We will be forming a team for Maddie and participating as a family in the walk.  Details for the event will come soon, but please think about supporting Maddie's team for this.  Children's Hospital is the reason Maddie is with us today.  There is nothing that can be said to thank the doctors, nurses, staff, and facility enough for that.  Please email me if you are interested in running / walking with your family or yourself and I can provide you details.  I hope to have her team set up this week and I will post more details then.

Please continue to keep all those who are in need of prayers in your thoughts.  There are always too many, but I try to keep reminding myself that God makes no mistakes and He has a Great Plan.  

The Watson's

"Live. Laugh. Love."

Enjoy some photos!!!

Kisses for Mommy

Fishing w/ Our Papa

Devin and His Cousin, "Mr. Jeff" from South Dakota...Wish you lived closer!



mina said...

What a beautiful family!! Crazy busy is good, glad you're have a great summer!

my life: said...

I love the photos....she is too cute!!!!